
Sha-Rock to Host Live Stream Chronicling the History of Female MCs Prior to 1979

Sha-Rock to Host Live Stream Chronicling the History of Female MCs Prior to 1979

Published Tue, March 14, 2023 at 6:00 PM EDT

Pioneering MC Sha-Rock, credited as the first female MC of Hip-Hop culture, is hosting a live stream tonight (3/14) at 7 pm EST on Instagram and Facebook chronicling the early history of female MCs.

The legendary MC and ROCK THE BELLS radio host announced the upcoming stream earlier today with the caption "Tonight @7pm eastern join me. I'll be streaming live on Instagram and Facebook. I'll serve you the tru & actual formation of women in Hip-Hop Culture before 1979. You don't want to miss this."

Sha-Rock has always been one to defend her position in the culture, and according to an IG post from Sunday (3/12), she has some specifics that she wishes to address. "A few Hip Hop Enthusiasts have hit me up on fb and the gram wanting to know the backstory and discrepancies of who is really the 1st female MC of Hip Hop Culture or who is the 1st female soloist or what’s the difference," she captioned her post.

Sha Rock

Sha-Rock is a member of the Funky 4 and the Funky 4 + 1, one of the first MC crews formed in the Bronx in the late 1970s. The Funky 4 were the first Hip-Hop group featured on national television via their February 14, 1981 appearance on Saturday Night Live as guests of Debbie Harry of Blondie. The Funky 4 are the first mixed-gender crew in Hip-Hop, and they were the first to release a recording (1979's "Rappin' & Rockin' The House") on Bobby Robinson's Enjoy Records after he transformed it from an R&B label to a rap label in 1979.

In 1984, Sha appeared in Beat Street as one-third of Us Girls with Lisa Lee and Debbie D. Sha-Rock told The Foundation that she first experienced Hip-Hop in 1975 during her 8th grade year of high school when she saw Kool Herc. "I used to go to the B-Boy parties at the P.A.L. (Police Athletic League) where they played 'Bongo Rock,' 'Sex Machine' and stuff like that," she explained.

Sha Rock auditioned for DJ Breakout of The Brothers Disco for his new group which only contained KK Rockwell and Keith Caesar as members, and she made the cut.

In April 2013, MC Sha-Rock was appointed as a National Advisor for the Cornell University Hip Hop Library Collection. She was recently appointed to sit on the Advisory Board for the Universal Hip Hop Museum scheduled to open in the Bronx, New York in 2024.

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