It's an iconic Image. Whether you owned records by Marvin Gaye, Donald Byrd, or Camp Lo, or even caught Good Times in its many reruns over the decades, you've no doubt seen the works of African-American artist Ernie Barnes, especially his painting The Sugar Shack.
On a recent episode of Jimmy Kimmel, Eddie Murphy revealed that he owns the original Barnes piece. "I think I paid 50 grand for that picture," he remembered. "After Marvin Gaye passed away I bought it from his estate."
A duplicate of the monumental painting sold at Christie's auction house for over $15 million last spring, but the Delirious comedian stressed that he owns the original. "Ernie Barnes, who painted the original, painted a duplicate and the duplicate sold at Christie's for $16 million."
When Kimmel jokes that Eddie is now rich, the comedian replies "I got that painting."