Joey Bada$$ has launched a new mentorship program aimed at men of color in the U.S. and Puerto Rico. The Brooklyn rapper said he's been silently working on the project for a while now, as Hip-Hop Wired reports.
“I’m excited to announce that I’ve been silently working on a free mentorship program for men of color in the US & Puerto Rico called @impactmentorship,” the “Paper Trail$” rapper wrote on Instagram. “Inspired by my friend @sophchangnyc & @unlockherpotential. I recruited an impressive network of incredible mentors in the areas of ART, CULINARY, FASHION, FILM/TV, MEDIA, MUSIC, SPORTS.”
Specifically, the program aims “to commit to a man of color’s professional development and growth by sharing expertise, experience, wisdom, insights, guidance, and constructive criticism,” according to its website. The program was inspired by Unlock Her Potential, which provides free mentorship for men of color 18 years and older. Per the website, the program is built on the concept of empowering Black men. "We believe wholeheartedly that mentorship can help provide a path to professional and financial independence. In addition to career guidance, one of the most critical gifts the mentees receive is confidence," the site reads.
So far, Jaylen Brown of the Boston Celtics, fashion designer Tremaine Emory, and 19 Keys have all been announced as mentors in the program.