A photograph with a sign showing the prevalence of gun violence in the United States



Published Tue, May 24, 2022 at 1:54 PM EDT

A grocery store and a school shouldn't be places where someone has to live in fear of gun violence. But the actions of May 14 in Buffalo, and May 24 in Uvalde, reveals that current policies aren't protecting those enjoying guaranteed pursuits of happiness like education and sustenance. 

This country is capable of change; we've seen it with the 19th Amendment, the Civil RIghts Act, Roe v. Wade, Obergfell v. Hodges, and other examples of laws that were created/amended to reflect the will of the people.

Dead all that noise about how guns can protect you from a crazed person, or how arming our teachers and cashiers  — like they're front line fighters — will stop an active shooter in his/her tracks. 

Enough lunacy. It's time for action. Real action. You must demand that every elected official —  from your local council person to those elected to represent your state — support stricter gun laws. 

At this rate, it's not IF you will be affected by gun violence, but WHEN.

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