Killer Mike of Run The Jewels performs on day 2 of Shaky Knees Festival at Atlanta Central Park on October 23, 2021 in Atlanta, Georgia.

Killer Mike Makes an Appearance As Himself In 'Ozark' Season 4

Killer Mike Makes an Appearance As Himself In 'Ozark' Season 4

Published Fri, April 29, 2022 at 9:30 AM EDT

Netflix has released a clip from an upcoming episode of its popular series Ozark. The show's fourth season has just premiered, and in an upcoming episode Ruth (Julia Garner) runs into rapper Killer Mike of Run The Jewels in an eatery, and tells him how she admires his music.

When Mike asks Ruth what she’s listening to in her headphones, she replies: “Nothin’—just stuff from the past." Ruth then gives Mike her headphones and “N.Y. State of Mind” by Nas is playing. “It always feels to me like he hates it and misses it all at once,” Ruth explains. “I mean, he was only fucking 20." Killer Mike then describes the irony of Nas being able to see Manhattan from his home in Queensbridge projects. “You know, when I listen to that record, his projects are in Queens and you can kind of see Manhattan. I always thought it was so hopeful and fucking cruel at the same time," Mike declared.


"Do if ever wonder if he'd trade that record," Ruth then asks. "if it meant not having to go through all that shit?"

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Throughout Ozark's run, it's been obvious that Ruth Langmore is a 90s Hip-Hop head. Over the course of the wildly popular show, she's listened to "I Got A Story To Tell" and "Somebody's Got To Die" by The Notorious B.I.G., as well as "Can I Kick It" by A Tribe Called Quest and "C.R.E.A.M." by Wu-Tang Clan. Ozark's showrunner Chris Mundy talked to Men's Health about the character.

"Usually songs are tied to a character and Ruth only listening to old school Hip Hop is an obvious example," he explained. "It helped define who she is."

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