
Arrested Development Drops New Video "Becoming" [WATCH]

Arrested Development Drops New Video "Becoming" [WATCH]

Published Sat, September 26, 2020 at 4:45 PM EDT

Arrested Development has always brought a spirituality to their unique brand of Afrocentric, socially-conscious Hip-Hop. As far back as their early hits like "Tennessee" and "Mr. Wendel," there was an element of recognition of the spirits and forces that move beyond the physical realm as a way to tap into one's higher self. In that light, their latest track speaks to that tradition. 

The collective returns with their latest album, Don't Fight Your Demons. And the new single "Becoming," is a moving look at how to be a better you even in a society that's intent on oppressing you. Frontman Speech tells the story of a troubled man, with a sonic backdrop provided by British producer Configa. Traveling through memories of an abusive childhood and how it sent a young man to the streets, Speech examines rage and redemption through this man's journey. It's a brilliant bit of storytelling from one of Hip-Hop's most underrated in that regard. 

With its grooving, soulfully impassioned production, and the "become the best I can" hook, it's the perfect tome for our times. And the Ridge-directed video dwells in shadows and in the light, as it features the group joyfully recording as the young man's harrowing story plays out visually. 

Don't Fight Your Demons is out now.  


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