Rappers who have sampled Prince

10 Classic Hip-Hop Songs That Sample Prince

10 Classic Hip-Hop Songs That Sample Prince

Published Tue, June 7, 2022 at 12:00 PM EDT

Prince was born on June 7, 1958; and fans all over the world celebrate the legendary icon's life and legacy on that date every year. Over the course of his four decades in music, Prince helped reshape and revolutionize funk, R&B, pop, rock, jazz and dance music; he set a standard for artistry and musicianship; and he remained visionary as a fashion icon and business maverick.

And in Hip-Hop, Prince remains a touchstone for so much. There's the undeniable Prince influence on the eclecticism of early 2000s Andre 3K; and his shadow looms large over Childish Gambino's 2010s work. And he's collaborated with rappers, like Eve, Chuck D and Monie Love; and you know you've seen His Royal Badness jamming onstage with Q-Tip and Kendrick Lamar. Prince Rogers Nelson was even known to spit a few bars himself in the early 90s on songs like "My Name Is Prince" and "Sexy M.F."

And, of course, rappers have been sampling Prince for years. Here are some of our favorites.











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